A Path Forward for Housing in Syracuse

From Study to Strategy

The Syracuse Housing Study was the foundation to create the Syracuse Housing Strategy.

The Syracuse Housing Strategy was adopted by the Common Council on September 3, 2024. The Strategy calls for "additive new work" that builds on major initiatives currently underway, including the Resurgent Neighborhoods Initiative, the East Adams neighborhood redevelopment, and the Community Grid Vision Plan, as well as major programs like the Syracuse Land Bank and Downtown revitalization efforts. 

Read the Syracuse Housing Strategy. 

A Two Part Effort to Identify and Develop Responsive Housing Strategies for Syracuse

Housing has been, and continues to be, a critical issue in Syracuse that has broad economic, quality of life, health, and fiscal impacts. To better understand these impacts and how best to move forward, a two-part effort was initiated in 2022 and continued through 2024.


The Syracuse Housing Study

The creation of a citywide housing strategy for Syracuse began with the Syracuse Housing Study.

Sep 2022 - Jun 2023

The Study began in late 2022 and was completed and delivered to the Syracuse Common Council in June 2023

The work focused on analyzing the Syracuse housing market. There were many important findings in this analysis but two stand out above the rest: 


The Syracuse Housing Strategy

The development of strategies to address housing market challenges and opportunities in Syracuse is now complete!

Aug 2023 - May 2024

The second part of the process was the development of the strategy the City needs to respond to these twin problems of low quality on one hand and low affordability for many on the other. 

The draft strategy was presented in May of 2024 and adopted by the Common Council in September.